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Peter J.M. van Boheemen
My birth takes place in Voorburg in 1950 as a son of a livestock merchant and a musical mother. After obtaining HBS-B diploma at Aloysius College in The Hague (1967), I am graduated at Wageningen University as agriculturist and hydrologist (M.Sc. in 1974).
In the beginning of my career I work in water management research, where I focus on drought control in agri- and horticulture. Ten years later, I am appointed to manager of the Consultancy for Soil, Water and Fertilizer Matters in Livestock Farming. Almost all my attention goes then to the manure surplus problem on intensive livestock farms, being still a great environmental issue in The Netherlands. During the last part of my full-time career I am Director Arable Farming and Horticulture at DLV Adviesgroep Ltd, a large consultancy for agri- and horticultural entrepreneurs.
Afterwards I work at part-time base as process manager for the Covenant on Sustainable Crop Protection, a partnership of eight sectoral organizations aimed at minimization of the load of environment and food by pestcides.
In addition to my daily work I fulfill various administrative functions and this is still the case as pensioner. It starts with joining the Board of parisch St. Cunera in Rhenen (1986-1990). Then I get active within the political party CDA (Christian Democratic Appeal). Firstly in council committees of my municipality Neder-Betuwe (1994-2006), next as member of the Parlement of Province Gelderland (2003-2015) and as chairman of the CDA-department Neder-Betuwe (2014-2020).
In parallel, I participate in the General Board of the Purification Authority and later the Water Authority for Rivierenland (1995-2003). In the same period, I am appointed to member of the Supervisory Board of the Home Care Foundation in Middle-Gelderland (1999-2009) and the Members Council of Betuwe Rabobank (2005-2012).
Subsequently, I am a member of the Council of Members of Rabobank Betuwe (2005-2012) and part of the jury for the Volunteer Award Neder-Betuwe (2016-2020). My chairmanship of the Supervisory Board for the association of tree growers in the Betuwe (2015-2023) has also come to an end. At the moment I am still chairman of the Thom Huisman Fund (since 2012)
In the remaining free time, especially since my full retirement in 2012, I develop myself into a regional and family historian. In this context, I gather data about the Van Bohe(e)men family, already partly published in books and articles.
This hobby explains that I am chairman of the Betuwe Department within the Dutch Genealogical Society (20072020) en since 2021 chairman of the National Board of this society. And besides member of the Holland Genealogical Society Ons Voorgeslacht and friend of the Centre for Family History (CBG).
Meanwhile I live with my wife for almost 40 years in the village of Kesteren in Betuwe. Our four children flow out early because of their study. They have delighted us up to now with nine grandchildren.
In 2015 I receive a royal award. My wife has this honour a year earlier because of her volunteer work. In 2019 the Dutch Genealogic Society awards me with the Gold Pin for different chairmanships.
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