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The articles below in the magazine Ons Voorgeslacht contain the results of a research into family members born before 1600. This has resulted in an extension of the family tree by six generations, plus a number of later family branches not yet known. The ancestor of this was born around 1430.
Furthermore, a number of hypothetical ancestors have been depicted who were born around 1320.
Everything is extensively substantiated with source references in the form of more than 400 notes.
Boheemen, Peter J.M. van (2018)
Eerste generaties van familie Van Bohemen – Van Boheemen.
(First generations of Van Bohemen – Van Boheemen family).
Ons Voorgeslacht, year 73 (2018), nr. 709, pp. 173-222.
Aanvullingen en correcties (Additions and corrections)
Ons Voorgeslacht jrg. 74 (2019) nr. 719, blz. 263- 268.
Vervolg (Continued)
Ons Voorgeslacht jrg. 79 (in preparation)
Available at (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6).
An article in the magazine Gens Nostra describes how the research into family members from before 1600 was set up.
Boheemen, Peter J.M. van (2018).
Zoektocht naar wortels van familie Van Bohemen – Van Boheemen .
(Search to roots of Van Bohemen – Van Boheemen family).
Gens Nostra, year74 (2018) nr. 6, pp. 346-352.
Available at (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6).
Boheemen, Peter J.M. van (2012),
Geschiedenis van hertogdom en koninkrijk Bohemen. Eerder Boiohaemum, thuisland van de Boii.
(History of duchy and kingdom Bohemia. Former Boiohaemum, home country of the Boii.)
Historical Series Van Boheemen I.
ISBN 978-90-822469-4-0, pp. 346, including a separate bundle with attachments.
Published by author,10 copies.
Available at (1), (3), (4) and (6).
Concerns the history of the former duchy and kingdom of Bohemia (870-1918). These cover the area that was previously (460-25 BC) inhabited by the Celtic tribe of the Boii. The Romans gave this area the name Boiohaemum, which means Homeland of the Boii and from which the Dutch name Bohemen is derived.
Boheemen, Peter J.M. van. (2012),
Ballingschap van de Winterkoning van Bohemen in Den Haag.
(Exile of the Winterking of Bohemia in the Hague.)
Historical Series Van Boheemen II.
ISBN 978-90-822469, pp. 126.
Published by author,10 copies.
Available at (1), (3, (4) and (6).
Concerns the life of the German Elector Frederick of the Palatinate who was King of Bohemia for only one winter (1618-1619). Together with his English wife Elisabeth Stuart he ended up in exile in The Hague in 1620. There they ensured a sensational grandeur of court life in The Hague.
NB: There is no evidence of a connection between the stay of the Winter King of Bohemia in The Hague and the origin of the family name Bohemen.
Boheemen, Peter J.M. van. (2014),
Alles naar wens. Levensverhaal Jos van Boheemen.
(Everything as desired. Life story of Jos van Boheemen).
Historical Series Van Boheemen III.
ISBN 978-90-822469-0-2, pp. 214.
Published by author, 20 copies.
Available at (1, (3), (4) and (6).
Concerns the colourful life of Jos van Boheemen (1956-2008) who was born with Down syndrome. He is a brother of the author.
Boheemen, Peter J.M. van (2015),
Twaalf jaar Gelders parlement. Ervaringen in Provinciale Staten van Gelderland in 2003-2015.
(Twelve year Parlement of Gelderland. Experiences in Provincial Council of Gelderland in 2003-2015).
Historical Series Van Boheemen IV.
ISBN 978-90-822469-1-9, pp 229.
Published by author, 40 copies.
Available at (1), (3), (6) and (7).
Concerns the many experiences of the author as a member of the Provincial States of Gelderland in the period 2003-2015 for the political party Christen-Democratisch Appél (CDA).
Boheemen, Peter J.M. van en Frans. J. Jansen (2016),
De Stompwijkse Knip. Akkerlust en haar buurtgenoten.
(The Stompwijkse Knip. Akkerlust farm and their neighbourhoods).
Historical Series Van Boheemen V.
ISBN 978-90-822469-3-3, pp. 268.
Published by authors, 500 copies.
Available at (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6).
Concerns the history of the hamlet De Stompwijkse Knip in the municipality of Leidschendam-Voorburg. Here, the Akkerlust farm was founded in 1765, where the Van Boheemen family has been in charge since 1836. Nowadays, Akkerlust is not only a large dairy farm, but also a hotel and educational farm.
Boheemen, Peter J.M. (2019),
Werken, eten, bidden en naar bed. Levensverhaal van opa Pieter van Boheemen en oma Trijn Kraan in Stompwijk.
( Working, eating, praying and going to bed. Life story of grandfather Pieter van Boheemen and grandmother Trijn Kraan in Stompwijk.)
Historical Series Van Boheemen VI.
ISBN 978-90-822469-6-4, pp. 170.
Published by author, 42 copies.
Available at (1), (3), (4) and (6).
Concerns the life of Pieter van Boheemen (1877-1952) and Trijn Kraan (1890-1955) on their dairy farm in Stompwijk in the municipalities of Leidschendam-Voorburg. They are the author’s paternal grandparents.
Boheemen, Peter J.M. (2021),
In de bollen en onder de koeien. Levensloop van opa Kees van Paridon en oma Ant van Rhijn.
(In flower bulbs and under cows. Life story of grandfather Kees van Paridon and grandmother Ant van Rhijn in Voorburg).
Historical Series Van Boheemen VII.
ISBN/EAN 978-90-822469-7-1.
Published by author, 70 copies.
Available at (1), (2) and (4)
Concerns the life of Kees van Paridon (1871-1957) and Ant van Rhijn (1874-1966). They build up wth four sons a large dairy farm in Leidschendam-Voorburg and a large flower bulb farm in Voorschoten. The couple are the author’s maternal grandparents.
Boheemen, Peter J.M. (2022),
Handelen, zingen en lezen. Levensloop van Piet van Boheemen en Leny van Paridon in Voorburg.
(Trading, singing and reading. Life story of Piet van Boheemen and Leny van Paridon in Voorburg).
Historical Series Van Boheemen VIII.
ISBN/EAN 978-90-822469-8-8.
Published by author, 12 copies.
Availble at (1), (2) and (4).
Concerns the life of Piet van Boheemen (1916-1976) and Leny van Paridon (1817-2001). Piet works as a cattle dealer and Leny enjoys singing and playing the piano. Together they form a lively couple who are not afraid to loosen their tongues. This concerns the author’s parents.
Boheemen, F.C. van (2010),
Kistenmajoors en sjouwermannen. Het Haags verhuisbedrijf C. van Boheemen & Zonen (1884-2000).
(Moving company C. van Bohemen & Sons , 1884-2000).
ISBN 978-94-6010-041-3, pp. 96.
Published by Haags Gemeentearchief, 2010.
Available at (1) end (4).
Concerns the life of farmer’s son Cornelis van Boheemen (1846-1901) who moves to The Hague with his young family and starts a stable there. Around 1890 he starts a furniture transport company, which is expanded by four sons into a leading and internationally operating removal company. After more than 100 years, in which three generations earned a good living, this company comes to an end.
Boheemen-Walhain, Ria van (1984),
Langzaam afscheid nemen. Het relaas van een verwerkingsproces.
(Slowly say goodbye, The story of a process).
ISBN 90-6001-878-8, pp. 72.
Published , 1984)
Available at (1).
Concerns the experiences of Ria van Boheemen-Walhain (born 1926) with her husband’s dementia and the emotional reactions this evokes in her.
Bohemen, Jan van (2009),
Opa Van Bohemen vertelt
(Grandfather Van Bohemen tells).
Published by author in Voorburg, 2009, pp. 72.
Available at (1) and (4).
Concerns the life of Jan van Bohemen (1918-2001). As a 90-year-old, he looks back on his rich and eventful life. In doing so, he reflects on the changes in various areas of society.
Bohemen, Kees van (2024),
Deel 1. De familie, de boerderij en Leidschendam.
(Part 1. The family, the farm and Leidschendam.)
ISBN/EAN: —–, p. 192
Self-published in Tilburg., 137 copies (including copies in English)
Available at —
Concerns the lives of the couple Knelis van Bohemen (1886-1970) and Mietje Overgauw (1889-1947) and their 13 children, four of whom emigrated to Canada. They live on the Lgezicht farm in Leidschendam.
Bohemen. Kees van (2024)
Deel 2. Oorlogstijd: vluchtheuvel Laanzicht
(Part 2. Wartime: Laanzicht refuge hill)
ISBN/EAN: 978-90-829484-6-2, p. 263
Self-published in Tilburg, 137 copies (including copies in English
Available at (8)
Concerns the experiences at farm Laanzicht when various people in hiding stayed there in 1944-1945, including a Jewish couple. This is based on preserved diaries that provide a detailed picture of the tensions and relaxations.
Igo and Petra van Bohemen (2024)
Van Bohemen. Spraakmakende verhalen van tien generaties boeren (1668-2024)
(Van Bohemen. Remarkable stories of ten generations of farmers (1558-2024))
ISBN 978-94-645607-0-1
Publisher Walburg Pers, Zutphen
Available at (1) and (4)
Concerns the life of project developer Igo van Bohemen, who died in 2024, and of nine successive farmers who belong to his direct paternal line of descent (Igo’s fatherly lineality for the period 1558-2024). The experiences are recorded, as it were, from their mouths, with a mix of facts and fiction for the older ancestors. The stories are embedded in an extensive and richly illustrated historiography of the western Netherlands.
Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn-Khosrovani, S., L.A.F. Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn, A.W.J.M. van Gestel en F.X. Plooij.
Zonen van Adam in Nederland. Genetische genealogie: een zoektocht in ons DNA-archief.
(Sons of Adam in The Netherlands. Genetic genealogy: a search in our DNA-archiv.)
ISBN 978-90-561394-0-7, pp. 405
Published by Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn & Co’s Uitgeversmaatschappij in Rotterdam (2008).
Available at (1), (2) and (6).
Concerns a study based on Y-DNA into the degree of mutual kinship among 410 persons, including Peter J.M. van Boheemen.
(1) Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Royal Library) in The Hague
(2) CBG (Centrum voor Familiegeschiedenis, Centre for Family History) in The Hague
(3) Regionaal Archief Rivierenland (Regional Archiv Riverland ) in Tiel
(4) Gemeentearchief Leidschendam-Voorburg (Archiv of Municipality Leidschendam- Voorburg) in The Hague
(5) Erfgoed Leiden (Heritage Leiden) in Leiden
(6) Bibliotheek Ons Voorgeslacht (Library Our Ancestry) in Delft
(7) Gelderland Bibliotheek (Gelderland Library) in Arnhem
(8) NIOD (Dutch Institute for War Documentation) in Amsterdam
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